Original Artwork By: Sadie Tupper | Instagram: little_bee3

Honey Bee

kolsch-style ale w/honey | 5.0% ABV




Refreshing and light, this Kolsch-style ale is brewed & fermented with 60-lbs of orange blossom honey.


The honey bee has played a prominent role in American history, dating back to the Revolutionary War. According to legend, a young girl named Charity Crabtree was alerted of an imminent attack on General George Washington from a wounded soldier. After the dying soldier delivered the message to Charity, British Red Coats descended upon her. As she attempted to flee on horse back and warn General Washington, she turned over her bee skeps which caused the honey bees to attack the pursuing British soldiers. In admiration, General Washington is quoted as saying, β€œIt was the cackling of the geese that saved Rome, but it is the bees that saved America.”

As the new American nation formed, it was the honey bee and beehive that became the symbol of the industrial spirit of America. The hive representing American meritocracy, where success is earned and not inherited.

In honor of those that continue to work hard everyday, this beer is brewed and fermented with 60-lbs of orange blossom. We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor.