Carl's Weekly Update | 4.28.14


We accomplished a great deal this week, with the added benefit of our partner Jim making a trip back home to help us push closer to completion.

We are at the final stretch of the facility build, with plumbing and electrical work being completed, as well as the installation of our new propane tanks (dedicated solely to the boil kettle). We also completed the last piece of fabrication work and placed all brewing equipment into final position on the brewery floor. Our tasting room is also near completion, with the only remaining aspect being the installation of our new floor, and moving in the new furniture (both occurring this week).

Next week we will dedicate our time to putting the finishing touches on the facility. By this time next week, we expect to be conducting engineering runs, with brewing to begin shortly following.

We trust your week ahead will be as productive and fulfilling as ours. Enjoy.


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